Professional Performance Improvement Simple Sustainable Solutions

Simply Bigger Business Profits
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Don’t Settle For Less

The Pickwick Difference

We won’t baffle you with business ‘buzz words’, talk down to you or leave you needing a mortgage to fund our services like some of the ‘Big Boys’ do.

What we will do is work with you to deliver whatever it is you feel your business specifically wants, so no generalisms or text book stuff, just solid advice focussed on YOUR business and YOUR needs.

Our aim is simple, we want to make you money, so your investment in us gives you back more than you put in.



Simple Business Roadmaps Built Exactly To Your Needs

We Will Review Your Business Strategy

Often you can be too close to the coal face to see the obvious. As independent external experts we will work with you to sense check your strategy and plans to ensure they are optimised to your maximum benefit.

We will give your Business a ‘Health Check’

Our core service provides your business with a ‘health check’ to assess current processess, systems and performance are in line with your targets and goals. This establishes the gap between now and your goals.

We Will Evaluate and Develop Options

We evaluate the options and agree the findings and proposals with you, then we let YOU to choose the preferred way forward, this way there are no surprises and you always remain in control.

We Will Stay and Deliver the Benefit

Pickwick Consulting will not run away from our proposals, we will stay and implement them if that is what you want us to do and we will then deliver the Profit Improvement benefits we forecast.

Our OTHER Specialties

Profit Related?
We Can Do It!

Get In Touch For a Free Consultation

Business Ideas ‘Sounding Board’

Business Health Checks

Problem Solving Analysis

Workflow and Layout Revisions

Profit Improvement Reviews

Change Management

Logistics and Supply Chain Studies

Process and Systems optimisation


What We Can Do For You

Pickwick Consulting won’t tell you how to run your business – we believe you are best placed to know how to do that.

What we will do is work in partnership with you to tweak the business to maximise opportunity

We will do the work, we’ll discuss the results and options with you, you agree how you want to proceed so… most importantly… YOU remain in control at all times.


When your business has profit margins that are not meeting your expectations.


When you know something isn’t right, but you can’t quite put your finger on why.


When you have resource or skills shortages, or simply want to evaluate some options.


When you need to bring your company way of working up to leading standards.


When all those items that are always ‘just of the radar’, need sorting.


When you need to rationalise supply costs or improve your customer delivery experience.

From Our Founder Phil Pickwick

Make Your Own Opportunities

Pickwick Consulting know we can help you, but a little like winning the lottery, you have to be ‘in it to win it’.

We have an average hit rate of 20% savings on key areas from our past savings  projects – now wouldn’t that be helpful to YOUR business?

We’ve also helped businesses with their strategies, processes, procurement and sense checked ideas that their top teams had come up with – all with the benefit of an independent fresh pair of eyes.

The hardest thing for you is to make the first contact with us, so we’ve made it simple.

Our first meeting is FREE and has no commitment – so if you like what we say, then great, and if you don’t – then no hard feelings we’ll wish you well and won’t bother you again.


Service Packages

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